Specially designed for heavy metal, it’s characterized by High Gain. With a BIAS knob, you can switch easily between American Distortion and British Distortion. Meanwhile, UZI has a GAIN Control Knob and a VOLUME Control Knob, both are of dynamic balance, adjust the GAIN knob while don’t adjust the VOL knob, the signal from the circuit will adjust automatically, ensuring the Volume is the same as before.
Impedancia de entrada: 1M.
Impedancia de salida: 200.
Corriente nominal: 20mA.
Voltaje: fuente de alimentación negativa centro 9v.
Iluminación LED.
Control de ganancia y control de volumen.
Dimensiones: 109 mm x 67 mm x 48 mm.
Peso: 248g.
Especialmente diseñado para Metal, Super High Gain.
Con un mando BIAS, puede cambiar fácilmente entre American Distortion y Distorsión británica.
Controllers: Volume, Gain, Bias, Low, Mid, High, LED Toggle
With no battery compartment
Input Impedance: 1MΩ
Output Impedance: 200Ω
Rated Current Consumption: 20mA
Working Voltage: DC 9V(center minus)
Dimensions: 109*67*48 mm
Weight: 248g